

Turn mobile numbers into
a powerful loyalty tool!

All your customers have a mobile number!
Turn it into a loyalty tool thanks
to our digital loyalty cards.

THE best loyalty app

How does it work ?

How to create a
dematerialized card ?

Download the Fidelatoo Merchant mobile application, create your account and configure your loyalty program. The app then allows you to create and populate a customer file with their mobile number.

loyalty system with cards

Manage loyalty easily

Give rewards to your customers

from their phone number!

We take care of installing an application for your customers so that they can track their loyalty if they wish. While respecting the requirements of the GDPR 🇫🇷, ensuring the security of their data and the confidentiality of their experience.

They trust us

Fidelatoo is also

pays fidelatoo



Local Businesses

communaute fidelatoo



Coins distributed

Fidelatoo adapts to your business

Boost your franchise

Unleash the full potential of your franchise with Fidelatoo’s solutions and full support.


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