Your loyalty
program in 3 steps
Your loyalty program in 3 steps
Increase the visibility of your business effortlessly by joining Fidelatoo and be visible to +65,000 users.
and receive push notifications so you don’t miss any opportunity to take advantage of their local benefits. An efficient and modern way to ensure a continuous presence in the pocket of your customers.
Even more impactful, if a Fidelatoo user passes by your business, they will receive a push notification presenting your program.
your customers can access their digital loyalty cards at any time and receive push notifications so they don’t miss an opportunity to take advantage of their local benefits. An efficient and modern way to ensure a continuous presence in the pocket of your customers.
Even more impactful, if a Fidelatoo user passes by your business, they will receive a push notification introducing them to your program.
Google Business Profile
Being referenced on a map gives you 24/7 visibility for free while displaying information to reach you.
If your potential local customers already have the Fidelatoo application, they can not only discover your business on the map but also consult the positive reviews on your Google Business Profile and launch a route calculation via their integrated GPS.
Deliver a seamless experience that leads straight to your door!
If your potential local customers already have the Fidelatoo application, they can not only discover your business on the map but also consult the positive reviews on your Google Business Profile and launch a route calculation via their integrated GPS.
Deliver a seamless experience that leads straight to your door!
Joining your loyalty program should be as welcoming as the in-store experience. Onboard your loyal customers seamlessly, without the frustration of long and complicated procedures. Whether by QR code or by using their phone number, your customers can easily join your loyalty program on Fidelatoo and start accumulating points from their first visit.
Onboard your loyal customers seamlessly, without the frustration of long and complicated procedures. Whether by QR code or by using their phone number, your customers can easily join your loyalty program on Fidelatoo and start accumulating points from their first visit.